12 Bronze tokens
1 White board
Number of Players: Unlimited (minimum 2)
Distance from Sapo to toss: Women 5 meters/Men 7 meters
Winning Score: Determined by players
Each player will toss 12 SUMA™ tokens one at a time into the SAPO™ gamebox.
Once all the tokens are tossed, you proceed to total the points acquired.
Only the tokens that fell through the top of the Sapo are counted.
The tokens that were tossed and entered the game through the front are not counted and the toss is lost.
The players toss the tokens in turn until one player or team reaches the total points that was agreed upon.
In case of a tie, a new round is played between the finalist.
Once your token has been tossed, under no circumstances can a player retoss.
It is prohibited to approach, distract or cross in front of the player while he/she is tossing.
The highest point can be acquired by tossing the token into the frog’s mouth. If it happens you should yell:SAPO!!!